High Concept
Pitch the movie you’ve always wanted to see
Flex your film knowledge, get lucky with your guesses, and pitch the movie you've always wanted to see.
This game is based around the concept of the ultra-high-concept elevator pitch: the single short descriptive line that gets movie producers hurling cash around and booking festival slots before you've had time to write out the words "Jaws in space."
You and your opponents are all given a series of High Concepts, and need to work out - or guess - which well-known film they're referring to. The more correct guesses you get, the more points you accumulate; and the better chance you have of formulating an amazing High Concept pitch of your own. But beware: your co-players are out to sabotage your idea and get that record-breaking budget for their own pitches.
Combining equal amounts of sheer luck, tactical skill and auteur-level creativity, High Concept is a game for people who love films, own at least one beret and can easily see themselves sitting in a director's chair barking orders through a megaphone.
Autumn/Winter 2016
1 game board
100 Guessing Cards
100 Pitch Cards
36 Voting Cards
6 playing pieces
50 Wads of Cash
1 Minute Glass
6 Drawing Boards
6 Whiteboard Markers
1 Rulebook
Game Rules
HI-RES pictures
Rickard Höök